Let’s get started

General Services

These prices reflect our new clinic rates starting May 1 for new clients and June 1 for existing clients. All prices are flat rates.

*For all therapeutic services you must be 18 years or older.

If you are under the age of 18 call or email Freckled Stone to set up a consultation with one of our therapists.

Everyday Massage

Be prepared to feel more relaxed and ready to take on every day.

We’ll start with a pre-session consultation and customize your time to you. By making a plan, we’ll maximize results while also maximizing time. We can help with whatever you need! Be that relaxation, muscle release, or pointed work.

45 minutes: $85.00

60 minutes: $105.00

90 minutes: $145.00

Hot Stone Therapy

This addition will get more work done in a shorter amount of time.

Adding just a little more can make a huge difference! Heat is one of the oldest and most effective ways of relieving and releasing stubborn and deep muscles.

60 minutes: $120.00

90 minutes: $165.00

Cupping Therapy

This technique will prolong the effects of the massage.

Cupping is an ancient technique involving increased blood flow and suction to a focused area. This will allow for deep tissue work with none of the pressure. If you’re experiencing chronic or deep muscle issues, this technique is for you!

60 minutes: $120.00

90 minutes: $165.00

Maternity Massage

Don’t let growing pains get in your way.

Growing a baby is hard! Let us help you stay relaxed during your second and third trimesters.

Must be 12 weeks into the pregnancy to schedule an appointment.

60 minutes: $105.00

Specialty Services

All specialty services are performed by Heather. To book Reiki, Lymphatic Drainage, CDT, Raindrop, Magnet Therapy, or Sound Healing contact Heather directly at:

(816) 226-6694


Heather is Vodder MLD and Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) certified

Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT)

Work towards a transformation.

Lymphedema is protein rich swelling that occurs in either the arms or legs and is common following surgical removal of lymph nodes or after radiation therapy. It can also be caused genetically due to poorly formed lymphatic capillaries. CDT is currently the gold standard for treating and maintaining lymphedema including skin care, MLD, compression bandaging, & exercise.

An evaluation is required to determine the type and stage of the lymphedema as well as to discuss treatment options and requirements prior to beginning treatment.

Introduction Evaluation: $70

Reiki Healing

Refocus your energy.

Reiki is a form of hands-on energy healing, or what medical practitioners would call bio-field therapy, which promotes overall wellbeing in a variety of aspects. Using crystals correlated to each chakra and vibrational sound healing tools, Reiki will help jumpstart the healing process on a cellular level.

Reiki can be combined with any massage or MLD session. If you would like to upgrade your reiki session to either modality, speak with Heather at the start of your appointment

30 minutes: $65.00

60 minutes: $95.00

90 minutes: $135.00

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Boost your system.

MLD is a gentle approach using light skin stretching to promote the movement of lymph fluid in the body. It can be a great proactive tool for overall body health as well as a treatment option for post-surgical patients. With the slow and soothing techniques of MLD, clients can't help but focus on their breathing and feel relaxed as their body flows.

30 minutes: $65

  • Non-surgical facelift (great for reducing puffiness, dark under eye-circles, reducing headaches/sinus pressure, toning and sculpting the skin of the face & neck)

  • Targeted treatment on specific part of the body (for recent injuries, muscle pulls, reduce bloating)

60 minutes: $120

  • Focused treatment (the front or back of the body, post-surgical sessions)

90 minutes: $165

  • Full body MLD session (front AND back of body)

Raindrop Therapy

Get the most healing out of essential oils.

A 60-minute Raindrop Therapy session supports the body’s natural defenses by boosting the immune system, as well as the circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems. Each session begins with a grounding technique, followed by the use of nine healing essential oils to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

Raindrop can be combined with any massage or MLD session. If you would like to upgrade your session speak with Heather at the start of your appointment

Raindrop Therapy addition: $20

Magnet Therapy

Attract what you need.

Magnet Therapy is a non-invasive way to get fast acting pain control for chronic and acute pains and injuries. Multiple magnets are used to target the area experiencing pain and are placed with adhesive patches. The magnet's negative polarity helps to reduce pain, inflammation, fluid retention, increases cellular oxygen, supports physical healing, and encourages restorative sleep. The magnet and adhesive patches can be worn for 3-5 days after the session.

*Keep the magnets and purchase adhesive patches online so you can continue to benefit from non-invasive pain management OR use paired magnets and pin them to your clothing around the areas you experience pain.

Magnet Therapy can be combined with any Massage or MLD session. If you would like to upgrade your session speak with Heather at the start of your appointment

Magnet Therapy addition: $20

Sound Healing

Bring harmony to your life.

The vibrational frequencies created by the harmonic spectrum singing bowls penetrate the body on a cellular level, allowing the cells to entrain or harmonize with the frequency being applied. It has a direct effect on the body and can assist with many ailments, illnesses, diseases, aches, pains, and energetic imbalances. Each sound healing includes a scan of your auric field prior to beginning the session, and again at the end to note any changes. Heather uses singing bowls and crystals correlated to each chakra. She also incorporates tuning forks used directly on the body, as well as to sweep the aura at the end of the session, and intuitive guided meditations which may be implemented depending on the state of each chakra and any blockages felt.

Sound healing can follow any Reiki, Massage, or MLD session. If you would like to upgrade your session please email heathernewmancollective@gmail.com or text (816)226-6694 to schedule the appointment.

30 Minute Sound Healing: $40